RGDP avec Google Analytics


Par Maurice Largeron

Consultant Formateur Marketing Digital chez MLConseil depuis 2011. Agence Google Partner. Organisme Certifié Qualiopi.

16 avril 2018

In the wake of the scandal of the Facebook (Cambridge Analytica) case, Google Analytics as part of the RGDP has just announced a new feature that is part of its policy of security and confidentiality of data . The company that collects information via the Google Analytics application is given a new latitude to support its policy of collecting visitor information vis-à-vis the regulator. This European regulation decisively moves the Americans in their power of capturing data.

What does this new RGDP google analytics feature bring?

Settings at the property level 

It is available from the central column, the property management level, in the ‘tracking information’ menu and then data retention. From May 25, 2018, the conversation time of user data associated with User-iDs, advertising ID, cookies is proposed according to 5 choices:

  • 14 months
  • 26 months
  • 38 months
  • 50 months
  • No automatic expiration
Rgdp functionality in Google Analytics

Functionality in Google Analytics

With an option on the retention mode

An option is provided on the automatic restart of data retention in case of a new session. In other words, if the user is stuck on a retention period of 26 months, each new monthly visit, the duration is relaunched in a slippery manner. So the period is automatically extended unable to reach the 26 th month.

Selon la politique du propriétaire du site web, cette option peut être désactivée. Dans ce cas, les données enregistrées seront bien supprimées à terme échu.

10 bonnes pratiques en matière d’envoi de données aux serveurs Google analytics

Au-delà de la durée de conversation, voici quelques rappels sur ce qui peut être lié à des foyers de collectes non autorisés

  • User-Id : pas de données personnelles (email, login, num de téléphone ..)
  • Urls : attention à données contenues dans les paramètres susceptible de transporter des informations en clair.
  • Saisie champs de formulaire : pas de collecte d’information autorisée
  • Importing data: In addition to the information attached to a person profile, it is necessary to exclude data that can permanently identify a specific device (mobile phone identifier if it can not be reset for example), and that same in encrypted form!
  • Additional information related to custom dimensions
  • Campaign tracking via UTM: same, no clearly identifiable data related to visitors
  • Search on site: no collection linked to people criteria
  • Events: same principle
  • Geolocation: no nominative geographical data, nor relative to GPS positions
  • Health: no data related to the medical field, even in encrypted form, minced with salting.

Well it only remains to wait May 25 🙂

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